Dra Amy Barreto
Cirujana General & Estética
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+57 313 608 1217
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Bogota - Medellin - B/quilla
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"Practica Médica y Quirúrgica con Calidad, Calidez y Honestidad"
Blefaroplastia - Abdominoplastia - Liposucción - Mastopexia - Lifting facial
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FAT TRANSFER - Fat Grafting - NanoFat - Lipofilling Face and Body in Medellin, Bogota y Barranquilla
Fat transfer is a surgical procedure that transplants fat taken from the patient’s body to areas of the face and body in order to restore the volume lost because of the process of aging. The procedure is also called fat grafting or fat injection. Typically fat is transferred to the breasts, the buttocks, hands and facial features including the lips, chin and cheeks. Fat transfers are also performed to treat acne scarring.

What is Fat Transfer?
Fat transfer is a surgical procedure that transplants fat taken from the patient’s body to areas of the face and body in order to restore the volume lost because of the process of aging. The procedure is also called fat grafting or fat injection. Typically fat is transferred to the breasts, the buttocks, hands and facial features including the lips, chin and cheeks. Fat transfers are also performed to treat acne scarring.
How is Fat Transfer done?
Fat is removed from one area of the body by the surgeon using liposuction. The fat is purified and turned into liquid form. It is then injected into another part of the body to give more volume. The time taken for the procedure depends on the part of the body from which the fat is harvested, the processing of the fat and the part of the body or face where the fat is transferred to. A fat transfer procedure to the buttocks, for example, may take five to eight hours.
Is Fat Transfer painful?
Fat transfer procedures are performed under general anaesthesia, local anaesthesia . Patients will not feel pain during the procedure.
How long does it take to recover from Fat Transfer?
Recovery from fat transfer depends on the part of the body to which fat is transferred. The recovery time for patients choosing a fat transfer procedure to their buttocks may be about four to six weeks.
When can I travel by air after Fat Transfer?
Patients can travel by air 10 days after their fat transfer procedure.
What post-operative care should I take after Fat Transfer?
Patients should rest for a few days after a fat transfer procedure. They should take all prescribed medications correctly and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol. Patients should avoid strenuous activities and lifting heavy objects for at least a month after the procedure. They should, however start walking as soon as possible to decrease swelling. They should also wear the prescribed compression garments correctly.

Vitale Bogota Dra Amy Barreto

Calle 7 No 39 - 107 Consultorio1306

Av. 33 #76-65, Medellín, Antioquia

Vitale Bogota Dra Amy Barreto